مـنـتـدي قـــلــــب اللــيــل
جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 197423
مـنـتـدي قـــلــــب اللــيــل
جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 197423
مـنـتـدي قـــلــــب اللــيــل
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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hazem fathy
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mohamed fathy
جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_rightجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_centerجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_left 
جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_rightجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_centerجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_left 
جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_rightجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_centerجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_left 
جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_rightجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_centerجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_left 
جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_rightجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_centerجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_left 
Ahmed Eltonsy
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mohamed yahya
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mhd fadi
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جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_rightجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_centerجدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Poll_left 
المواضيع الأخيرة
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» المناهج الكاملة للدبلومات الفنية 2010/2011
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» منحة وزارة الاتصالات المجانية للتدريب على تكنولوجيا المعلومات
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» النوم المثالى
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جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Icon_minitime1الثلاثاء يوليو 13, 2010 4:12 am من طرف hazem fathy

هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 100 عُضو.
آخر عُضو مُسجل هو mohamed shabana فمرحباً به.

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منتدي قلب الليل


 جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
hazem fathy
المدير العام
المدير العام
hazem fathy

عدد المساهمات : 764
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/04/2010
العمر : 34
الموقع : https://heartnight.yoo7.com

جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010   جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010 Icon_minitime1الخميس يوليو 01, 2010 5:21 am

شويه رسائل بالانجليزيه لعيونكم

f the day comes when I die
and go up in the sky as I'm
there so far I'll well write
ur name on every star so u
look up and see

If you hold 11 flowers
and look to the mirror
you will see the most
beautiful 12 flowers in the word

Love is Love
i love my love
my love is you
so i love you

Its raining now
should u look out
the windows and try
to count the numbers
of rain drops u see
filling from the sky
above thats how much
i'm missing u now

If in my dreams is the only
place i can hould u !

Then i want to sleep forever !!

U r amizing so cute
so nice so sweet
u r a great body,
***y voice,cute smile
kissable lips warmest
touch,shing eyes..

oops,sorry wrong number

when the time comes
4 u 2 give
your heart 2 someone
make sure that u
select someone who will
never break your heart
because broken hearts have
( No Spareparts

My eyes >> Miss u
My Lips >> Kiss u
My Feeling >> Love u
My Body >> Need u
My Heart Just 4 u,
I will die without u

If u found yourself in a dark room
walls around you are red.!
and blood comes from everywhere!
don't be scared.!
you are in my heart!
HATE me.
DO any thing but
please DON'T...


Love is not how long
u've been together
not how much u've give
or receive not how many
times u've helped each other
its how u value each other

Everyone says u can only
fall in love once, but
that's not true. Because
every time i hear your
voice i fall in love all
over again

One day you'll love me as
i have loved u One day you'll
cry for me as i have cried
for you One day you'll need
me but !! I won't need you

When all seas become dry When
all birds leave the sky When
all family say good bye My pasion
to you will never die

Take my eyes but let me see you
Take my mind but let me think
about you Take my hands but let
me touch you But if you want to
take my heart its already yours
Get down !

and down

see the darkness

thats my life without you

Love is like a cloud
Love is like a dream
Love is one word and everything in between
Love is a fairytale come
true because i found
love when i found u
When i miss a special person,
i don't have to go too far,
i just have to look inside my heart,
because that's always where my
special peoples are

One day the moon said to me,
if she makes u cry,
why don't u leave here ?
I told the moon !
Moon would u ever leave your sky

As long as there is
A wonderful love like
U who brighten and
the light of increase
Others, there will be a love
Like me who feel glad that
I have know u, I love U
Smile before u start ur
Day, don't 4get to pray
And think good 4 anther
New day I miss u and I love
U so much honey u cant
?forgive me tell me pls
I'm so lucky that I have
U, I never 4get a good and
Loving person like u. If
U are not here I don’t
Know where I am ur
Love gives me strength
To move on am so proud
To have u in my life
Honey 'l love u'
Somebody say Happiness is life
Others say it's Freedom
& Some of them say it's money
But to me, it's the tone of ur Message

Give laugh to all but smile to one; Give cheeks to all but lips to one; Give luv to all but heart to one; Let everybody luv u but u luv one.
.................................................. ..............................................
Knock! Knock! May I come into ur world? I bring no flowers, no gifts but wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u healthy & luv to keep u smiling. Gud Morning!
.................................................. .........................................
Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget 2 reply, sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it doesn't mean I forget u. I'm just giving u time to Miss me.
.................................................. ...........................................
I have liked many but loved very few yet no one has been as sweet as you. I'd stand & wait in the world's longest queue just 4 the pleasure of a moment with u.
.................................................. .............................................
To live this life I need a heartbeat, to have a heartbeat I need a heart, to have a heart I need happiness and to have happiness I need you

life can give us a hundred reasons to cry but U can give life a thousand reasons to smile!
Keep Smiling!......!


Go away from my heart,,
And never come back,,
Go far away,,
Just a second,,
And listen to me,,
You won’t be in my heart
Near to my soul any more..


when winter comes in summer
whem there's no more forever
when lies become the truth
then u have to know baby
that's when i'll stop loving u !!


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T ( ) V W X Y Z
did i forget anythink ..
l don't think
but i put ( U ) in my heart


Never talk about feelings,
if they aren't really there
Never hold my hand,
if you going to break my heart
Never say you are going to,
if you don't plan to start
Never look in my eyes,
if all you do is lie
Never say hello,
if you really mean goodbye


The moon is calling you.
The stars are shining for you!
The birds are singing to you!
My heart says i miss you


i have 100 resons why i like u
10,000 reasons why i care 4 u
10 million reasons why i miss u
but i just have 1 thing 2 tellu:
i thank god 4 having u


I am l

I am lo

I am loo

I am look

I am looking

I am Looking for

I am looking for YOU !

very Good
Tomoroow A-B-C
The doctor is not always shafi
The weater is not always safi
The love is not always kafi

press down if u miss me
ur so sweet
ok u can stop The doctor is not always shafi
The weater is not always safi
The love is not always kafi
But when I see u I run 7afi
still pressing? u really miss me ha


A good friend is like a good bra... hard to find, comfortable, supportive, prevents you fall, hold U tight, and always close to your heart...UR MY BRA


i L.... i can't say it I lo..... what can i do i love.. plz don't B angry i love U

("v") ("v") ("v")
'v' 'v' 'v'
("v") ("v") ("v")
'v' 'v' 'v'
("v") ("v") ("v")
'v' 'v' 'v'
I love YOU !!!


. -. .- .
". ."
" . "

* ' * ' *

* " *

My heart is going to explode when ever I think of you!


love is love, i love my love, my love is you, so i love you

Somebody say Happiness is life
Others say it's Freedom
& Some of them say it's money
But to me, it's the tone of ur Message

The Beauty of life
does not depend
on how happy you are,
but on happy others can be

Eyes: To look at you, Hands: To pray for you, Mind: To care for u, Heart: To love you and Legs: To kick u if u forget me.
.................................................. ...........................................

We cannot be together,
But we'll never be apart,
For no matter what life brings us,
You’re always in my heart.
.................................................. ...........................................

Give laugh to all but smile to one, Give cheeks to all but lips to one, Give luv to all but heart to one, Let everybody luv u but u luv one.

.................................................. ......................................
I luv my eyes when u look into them, I luv my name when u say it, I luv my heart when u luv it, I luv my life when you are in it
.................................................. .........................................
I hate u when u smile at me coz u make me crazy. I hate u when u talk to me coz u make me run out of words. I hate u when I see u coz u make me luv u more.
.................................................. ......................................
A bell is no bell 'til u ring it, a song is no song 'til u sing it & luv in ur heart wasn’t put there to stay-luv isn’t luv 'til you give it away.
.................................................. ...........................................
Don’t rush in luv for it never runs out. Let luv be the one to knock at ur door, so by the time you start to fall, you know that ur feeling is for sure.
.................................................. ............................................
A kiss is just a kiss till u find the 1 u luv. A hug is just a hug till u find the 1 u're always thinkin of. A dream is just a dream till it comes true. Luv was just a word till I heard it from u.
.................................................. ............................................
In life luv is neither planned nor does it happen 4 a reason but when the luv is real it becomes your plan 4 life n reason 4 living.
.................................................. ...........................................
Luv is like a cloud... luv is like a dream... luv is 1 word and everything in between... luv is a fairytale come true... Coz I found luv when I found U.
.................................................. ..........................................
I luv u not only for what u r, but for what I am when I'm with u. I luv u not only for what u have made of urself, but for what u r making of me. I luv u for the part of me that u bring out.
.................................................. ..........................................
Love Me now, love me never,
But if you Love mE, love me forever.
.................................................. ............................................
Is it Better For a Woman To Marry a Man Who Loves Her Than a Man She Loves.
.................................................. ..........................................
Love, true love, is that which can give the most
without asking or demanding anything in return.
.................................................. .......................................

Many a young lady does not realize just how strong
her love for a young man is until he fails to pass
the approval test with her parents.
.................................................. ...........................................
I believe that to truly Love, is the ultimate
expression of the will to live. A heart that
truly loves is forever young.
.................................................. ............................................
Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman,
but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man.
.................................................. .....................................
Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall.
.................................................. ............................................
Beauty doesn't make luv but luv makes beauty; break everything but never break the heart; Heart is the music, play it but never play with it.
.................................................. ..............................................
God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day...and I just caught one that's so nice and true... It's you!
.................................................. .........................................
Give laugh to all but smile to one; Give cheeks to all but lips to one; Give luv to all but heart to one; Let everybody luv u but u luv one.
.................................................. ..............................................
Knock! Knock! May I come into ur world? I bring no flowers, no gifts but wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u healthy & luv to keep u smiling. Gud Morning!
.................................................. .........................................
Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget 2 reply, sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it doesn't mean I forget u. I'm just giving u time to Miss me.
.................................................. ...........................................
I have liked many but loved very few yet no one has been as sweet as you. I'd stand & wait in the world's longest queue just 4 the pleasure of a moment with u.
.................................................. .............................................
To live this life I need a heartbeat, to have a heartbeat I need a heart, to have a heart I need happiness and to have happiness I need you!

People live,
people die,
people laugh,
people cry,
some give up,
some still try,
some say hi !
Some say bye,
others may forget you,
but never will i .

One day the moon said to me,
if she makes u cry,
why don't u leave here ?
I told the moon !
Moon would u ever leave your sky?..

The moon is calling you.

The ****s are shining for you!

The birds are singing to you!

My heart says i miss you.

Press down if u miss me..


u r so sweet

ok bye..

still pressing?
u really miss me!
ok thanks & bye.

still pressing!!! AMMA LAZGAH

When i cry i see you in my tears
But i clean my tears therefor
no one can see you
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
جدد رسايل ومسجات موبيل انجليزى 2010
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
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